- Flour contract.
- Baker Hughes contract.
- Petrochina contract.
- Petronas contract.
- Saipem contract.
- Flour contract.
- Baker Hughes contract.
- Petrochina contract.
- Petronas contract.
- Saipem contract.
- Flour contract.
- Baker Hughes contract.
- Petrochina contract.
- Tree years Bus contracts starting on 2000 with ministry of industry.
- Trucks leas contracts for LSA ANACONDA 2003-2004 as sub-contractor with KBR.
- Truck supplier for PWC 2004-2006.
- Barriers transportation FOB Hammer Base 2007.
- Trucks & Heavy Equipment supplier for Hammer Base 2007.
- Subcontract with ALMOC for supplying barriers Iraq-Wide.
- Transporting vehicles, equipment & tanks for ministry of defense 2010-2011.
- Transporting vehicles, equipment & special truck for ministry of oil 2011.
- Custom clearance and truck power supply including all logistics operations A-Z for several contracts with DHL Global Forwarding.